55-Year Mission Order Updates
I'll be updating this page just in case we didn't catch your email when you ordered from us at the 55-Year Mission convention.
Last Updated: 1/14/22

Ya know...it's kinda funny (in like an "ugly cry" way) to go back and read my previous updates and think "WOW girl, you were dumb. Like, REAL dumb. That info you gave didn't come close to what actually happened". 😐🙃
As desperately, and I mean DESPERATELY AF, as I tried to wrap everything up before 2021 left us, it clearly didn't happen. Such is life when you're dependent on other people/companies to make things. Poop.
We lost 2 weeks due to most/all(?) of our contractors being closed the week of Thanksgiving and then the week of Christmas. And then our main sewing contractor who, like many businesses here in Downtown LA, is a family run business, all got COVID and had to shut down for 2 weeks. 😱 Yes, they were all vaccinated, but it still gets you, regardless. But thankfully it didn't hit them too aggressively and they're now back to work.
This is our current status of things:
- Jinyo just walked out the door to go pick up our Loose Fit Tunics, HOORAY!
- Midi Skirts are still in production.
- Lounge Robes are still in production.
And speaking of...our new printing contractor was nice enough to send us a quick look at our Lounge Robes during the printing process - I know it's a lo-res video, but I don't care, lol. I HAD to share!
After 8'ish years of us printing everything ourselves with our own machine, this marks our first foray into outsourcing jobs we need to stop doing so we can focus on things like, oh I don't know, designing new products?!
I absolutely CAN. NOT. WAIT. to get these to you babes!!! Especially those of you I'll be seeing on the Star Trek Cruise in about a month! EEEEE!
Jinyo and I will be processing shipping labels and packing any of your orders that were only waiting on the Loose Fit Tunics so we can get them all shipped out first thing Monday. HOPEFULLY we'll also be dropping off the Lounge Robe pieces to another new contractor for sewing.
While I was well aware over the last 2 years of global price increases and manufacturing delays due to the ongoing pandemic, we hadn't been in a situation yet where we were directly being impacted. Welp, that clearly all changed, and you ladies got the brunt of it. 😢 We're having to massively overhaul how we release and produce our pieces moving forward due to the extreme changes just about every business is experiencing. But I think it's actually going to better for us in the long run!
As always, my endless THANK YOU to all of you for your ongoing epic patience and understanding with us. Like, bards could write ballads of your great kindness and awesomeness.
XOXO, Victoria
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11/26/21 UPDATE
guuuuuuys....we're SO. CLOSE.
We're getting A-Line dresses back from our sewing contractor next week, yay! Look for shipping notifications soon if that's all you're waiting on right now.
Loose Fit Tunics are getting printed next week, and then will be going off to be sewn.
After that what's left is our Midi Skirt orders and Lounge Robe pre-orders.
We're getting more fabric cut so we have enough pieces to print on to fulfill our Midi Skirts. That will be happening next week as well.
Sourcing a printer to produce our Lounge Robe prints took absolutely forever, and was incredibly nerve-wracking. We print everything ourselves with our own equipment, but it severely limits what new things we can design and develop because we're spending all our time manufacturing.
But, after lots of searching and making contacts at some fabric shows, we have finally nailed down a fabric printer and we'll be dropping off fabric with him first thing on Monday. I'm scared but very excited.
We've officially put the Lounge Robe up for pre-order on our website. Those orders will not be going out until next year. Yours will be going out BEFORE then.
I see the light, and I don't think it's an oncoming train, woo!
<3 Victoria
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11/3/21 UPDATE
Okay, but for real y'all, where does the time go?!?!?!?!!? 😤
I had no sense of time for all of October, to the point where I keep forgetting that Halloween already happened...derp.
J works our company full-time, but I have a regular full-time in addition to making our dream work, and I had to put in a lot of overtime with them over the last couple weeks, cuz, ya know, money pays the bills and helps fund our own company. 😬 But I really didn't expect a full month to go by in-between updates...!
So...here I am with more updates, huzzah!
- Leggings are with our sewing contractor. Awwwww yeeeeeah.
- A-Line dresses are being printed and pressed this weekend and dropped off on Monday.
- After that we're working on Tunics and Midi Skirts.
- We're finalizing a local printer/sewing contractor to make our Lounge Robes, but those will be the last things shipped out mid-November.
- If you ordered multiple items, your orders wont ship out until all pieces are complete. If you'd like to split-ship your order and have whatever is complete ship now, and the rest later, just hit us up via email, we're happy to make that happen.
I'll repeat what I put in my last update:
I am super duper uncomfortable and anxious having y'all wait, especially when the current delivery timeline is in an alternate universe compared to what we estimated at the show.
J and I completely understand if you do not want to keep waiting for your order because it's taking WAY longer than we said, so please please please feel free to email us if you'd like to CANCEL: info@goldbubbleclothing.com
If you need your order for a special event coming up, please email us! J can sew a handful of pieces himself for orders that are special date dependent.
I'll also repeat how deeply and sincerely appreciative and overwhelmed I am by the extreme patience and understanding y'all have expressed when emailing us for order updates! It's more than understandable for anyone to be angry or upset with all our redonculous delays, so the sincere kindness we've received is honestly very very special to us and we don't take it lightly. We are really honored to have such wonderful people order from us.
Until the next update!
XOXO, Victoria
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10/4/21 UPDATE
Hello my wonderful humans!
Overdue status update on our 55-Year Mission orders!
The TL;DR: of it is that everything is taking a million years. And we completely understand if you do not want to keep waiting for your order because it's taking WAY longer than we said, so please please please feel free to email us if you'd like to CANCEL: info@goldbubbleclothing.com
The detailed specifics are:
All my estimates are out the window. What I thought would just take a week - getting our fabric cut - took about 3 weeks. And we still don't have all our cuts that we need BLARGH.
Our main cutter was out of town for a week, and it turns out our fabric vendors, who we only purchase from a few times a year, are now only open 3 days a week, and now it seems to take 3x as long to order and pick up fabric.
- We are getting our cut of leggings fabric on Wednesday, 10/6.
- Which means we can start printing on them Thursday, 10/7.
- And hopefully dropping them off to be sewn the week of 10/11.
- If your order is only waiting of leggings, we should start shipping those out starting the week of 10/18.
- If your order is waiting on a tunic, dress, and/or midi skirt, I honestly don't think we're going to start shipping those orders out until the first week of November.
It takes me about a week to print the amount of fabric we need for the volume of orders we currently need to make, so that's where that November estimate is coming from.
I am super duper uncomfortable and anxious having y'all wait, especially when the current delivery timeline is in an alternate universe compared to what we estimated at the show. I completely understand if you have no interest in waiting that long, so please feel free to email me if you would like to cancel your order: info@goldbubbleclothing.com
If you need your order for a special event coming up, please email us! J can sew a handful of pieces himself for orders that are special date dependent.
I would also like to express a deeply appreciative Thank You to those of you that have inquired about your order status and been so above and beyond understanding and patient with us.
Stay tuned for hopefully a far more progressive update than this one!
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9/10/21 UPDATE
Me again! I'm trying to nail down some better manufacturing/shipping out dates for y'all instead of just "we're working on it".
Looking over the amount of pieces we need to make, I'm currently estimating that we're going to be shipping out your pieces by the end of this month, or first week of October.
If you're interested in learning how/why things can take so long, keep reading!
- I'm giving our fabric cutter 1 week to cut our pattern blanks and get them back to us.
- I'm giving J & myself 1 week to print and press all the fabric cuts. Yes, we do this ourselves.
- I'm giving 1 week for our sewing contractors to sew everything up.
- And I'm tacking on an extra week for "just in case".
So, that's where we're at!
If you need anything for an event/special occasion, or need to make any changes to your order, please contact us so we can help you out:
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